Why does achieving your goals always seem so elusive?
We’ve all been there. All of a sudden, you come up with this great idea and think that it’s gonna be the next best thing since sliced bread. You run over all sorts of different scenarios of achieving your goals in your head, fantasizing about being ultra successful as the idolizing masses praise and worship you for your awesome idea. Little do we realize, most times we’re delusional, and we have absolutely no clue in how to make those ideas happen in real life.
While there are many factors in bringing great ideas to fruition, in this article we’re gonna look at some of the major obstacles you will inevitably run into as you strive to make your dreams a reality. By being realistic about what’s achievable and what’s simply in the realm of fantasy, you can set your sights on practical solutions to help combat these issues to make steady progress in achieving your goals. Here’s 3 major obstacles you are most likely to come across on your life-changing journey and how to deal with them proactively. Let’s check it out.

1. Disinterest and distraction from achieving your goals
These two dream-killers are basically the death-knell of your aspiring achievements. So often, you start off super motivated in putting your great idea into action only to be smacked down with distractions. Before your horse even leaves the gate, all sorts of distractions eat away at your time, motivations, and positive mental attitude. You start out with seemingly infinite energy and zeal, but unfortunately, we as humans are short-sighted and fickle. Realistically, 99.9% of the time all that motivation and interest you started out with quickly evaporates as you get sucked back into the mundane realities of daily life. I’m sure there are plenty more instances, but here’s a core base of distractions that can cause you to stray from achieving your goals.
- Career/ daily work life
- family life (partner, children, siblings, extended family, etc.)
- social life (friends, dating, happy hours, gym classes, co-workers, etc.)
- economic worries (paying bills, investments, mortgage, savings, insurance, etc.)
- self-doubt
- new self-interests
- overall lack of focus
Subsequently, these are a few major distractions that are generalized, and I’m sure you have many more specific ones in your own life, but these represent the vast majority of our time and efforts in our daily lives. More importantly, they represent potential distractions and inevitable disinterest in achieving your goals. By managing these distractions, you can realistically devote quality time to bettering yourself and achieving your goals by creating healthy boundaries.

2. Discouragement
All three of these obstacles are common life experiences. However, the way you recognize and respond to them makes a world of difference in being successful or not. Discouragement plagues everybody at some point or another, so it’s important to be able to recognize it for what it is in order to be rectified quickly. Some people are more affected than others in that respect, so it’s important to prepare for this inevitability in life.
Sometimes, when people see you striving to reach your goals, they become resentful and try to bring you down. Whether it’s jealousy, envy, or a host of other reasons, these people hate to see others pick themselves up by the bootstraps and make something of themselves. Usually, this is because they have deep-seated resentments about their own failures and lack of success. As they say, “misery loves company,” and these people are all too ready to let you know your ideas are stupid as they try to discourage you from reaching your goals.

There are two solutions to this:
1. Deal with the immediate problem
Often times, it’s people we are closest with that harbor the deepest resentments. Eventually, they will try to discourage you from achieving your dreams in life. By pinpointing the exact issue at hand, you can then deal with the immediate problem by either disassociating yourself from that person, or if you want to reconcile the relationship, consider confronting them on their resentment.
Other times, discouragement often comes from your own lack of self-confidence. Sadly, through malevolent people or from personal experience, some people have been told they were failures for their entire life . These people’s confidence has been shattered by listening to haters or by comparing themselves to others. The prevalence of social media has exacerbated this problem as more and more people’s self-confidence is trashed as they compare someone else’s highlight reel to their own seemingly crappy life.
2. Bring long-range resolutions in achieving your goals
To combat the issue of discouragement, it’s imperative you bring encouragement into your life ASAP. Whether it’s family, co-workers, bosses, partner, etc., sometimes you simply cannot cut negative people out of your life. By surrounding yourself with others who will encourage you on achieving your goals, you will fortify the inevitable negative criticisms of those that want you to fail. As I said in the previous paragraph, meaningful conversations can help with those people in whom you wish to salvage the relationship. More importantly, you explain what and why it’s important for you to be encouraged and are clear and concise on how you expect to be treated. Otherwise, it’s best to move on and find others that share your positive energy.

3. Dissatisfaction
Ultimately, the work you put in is the work you get out. By being realistic and making smaller goals that eventually build up to big goals, you can curb dissatisfaction. Setting out to achieve goals shouldn’t be tedious. Consequently, having the right mindset is crucial. If you cannot find satisfaction in what you’re doing, then there’s really no point in doing it. Yes, it’s not always sunshine and rainbows, but if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, then perhaps you need to revisit the importance of your goals and why you set out to achieve them to begin with.
Concurrently, you also need to look at the motivations of why you want to achieve your goals. Having power and money is great in this world but trivial if it means you have to destroy your well-being in the process. By setting goals on specific, proactive measures, you can modify your life path as you clarify what ultimately causes you satisfaction in life. Given, this is a lifelong journey, and things that cause us satisfaction when we’re 22 aren’t necessarily going to make us happy when we’re 55, but by cultivating positive growth, you can use the crucible of life to clarify your present and focus on future goals based on a positive foundation.

In conclusion
As you grow in life, fill your commission on what you were put here on earth to do. Personally, I don’t believe any of us are here by random. We are each here for a purpose! As a matter of fact, there is a powerful reason you are reading these words right now! So set yourself to task and don’t allow difficulties, enemies, or selfish pursuits divert you from achieving your goals.
Conclusively, what’s in the past is in the past and you can’t change anything about that. There’s no point in worrying about the past. Alternatively, you need to set your sights on the new creation you’re building. Utilize your past mistakes and troubles in order to focus your efforts on what you want in life. By avoiding what caused problems in the past, you can make wise decisions in the present to help shape your future. Ultimately, this solid bedrock foundation will help you be prepared for the inevitability of these obstacles when they come.
Thanks for reading and if you want to sign up for our newsletter you can fill out your email in the box below. You can also reach out to me directly for coaching, virtual cooking classes, virtual training, or feel free to just drop a comment by filling out the contact box in the sidebar or below. I hope you enjoyed another episode of Motivation Monday! Peace out and God bless!
Great motivational message we all need to hear!
When the tide rises we all rise to a better place. Thanks for the words of encouragement they are always needed 🙏🏻 The Divine is not of heavenly origin but of Human evolution . So we keep on keeping on and evolving 😊