
Have you struggled losing fat and gaining muscle in the past?
Here at Foodsource Nutrition we have put together our best workout routine for you to use as a baseline to grow. If you’re anything like me, I’ve struggled with this exact problem my whole entire life! In my decades in the fitness and nutrition sphere I’ve learned that there simply is no magic bullet to cure this issue. Building muscle and burning fat is a lifelong continuous process. We will fluctuate with this throughout our lives. Sometimes we are a lean, mean, fighting machine; and sometimes we are a doughy, lazy, pizza eating machine… LOL.
HERE are some benefits of maintaining a strength training regimen in your fitness routine.
Regardless, what I’ve found is you have to keep a baseline of what you personally feel is your best possible self. Whether that is low body fat and high lean muscle or high body fat and low lean muscle… that’s up to you. Personally, I am at my best when my mind, body, and spirit are all in synch and performing at their best level. By using the best workout routine, I can keep a low body fat and high lean muscle mass to keep my body and mind sharp as well as my spirit. All three are synergistic in that respect.

Use the best workout routine as a baseline
This is why I’ve put together the best workout routine this base level workout guide that you can use as a baseline as you continue your fitness journey. Is it the best routine for everyone…. no. Is this program something you can begin with and grow from… yes. Whenever I find myself straying I go back to this routine and dial in my fitness and nutrition program to get to where I need to be.
This is not a “cure-all” or “easy fix” by any means, but we’ve put together the best free workout routine To learn more about this you can visit our strength training page HERE. Use the best workout routine to keep yourself disciplined not only with strength training, but more importantly, your diet and staying motivated. It’s hard work, but the results speak for themselves. You can live life like a lump or actually take your destiny by the reigns and transform yourself into the best possible version of YOU! The choice is yours.

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